Back From Maryland

What a wedding! Katie really worked hard and produced an absolutely beautiful wedding for herself and Brennan. The location was gorgeous, the ceremony lovely and all the details worked to perfection. Libby and I are both exhausted from riding herd on her two little ones for the plane trip and the weekend. They went off to their father with hardly a backwards look. She hasn't called them yet. She wants to call about once a week to check up on them.
I, of course, did not get the tickets change fees from their father. I'm not surprised in the least. I just hope he doesn't pull any other nasty little tricks.
So, back to my messy house and disorganized life. The cats made out very well while I was gone. The neighbors across the street kept an eye on the house for me. My old cat, Kittypuss, seems to have done fine as well, in spite of being locked up in the house. He didn't loose any more weight.
My car, however, broke down the night I came back. When I finally got home from the airport after taking Libby to her grandfather's house, the tail lights wouldn't go off. I finally just left the car with them on figuring I would jump it in the morning. Well, I forgot until time for my appointment with Dr. Farmer. Then I apparently blew out the battery by connecting the charger up backwards. Libby had to come get me and take me to my appointment. I managed to be there for 15 minutes. The charge for a missed appointment is $149 in full so showing up for 15 minutes and paying the copay of $35 was a better deal. Then we went out to dinner and blew a 100 bucks at Pappadeux's! That was ridiculous. We're not doing that again.My dad very kindly got the car fixed to the tune of $385. I also got the registration taken care of so that is finished for the year. Now I'm broke until next paycheck on the 27. I am expecting to get $4,000 in stipends as well so I may have some extra cash to put on some of these bills.
I have made Dr. appointments with the gastroentologist, podiatrist, and opthamologist. I also followed up on the Blue Cross/Blue Shield info for the bariatric surgery. If these Doctors are out of network, I'm going to look for someone else who is in the network.
I have to go pick up the dogs and check to see if Susanna is coming tomorrow to clean. If she is, I need to get busy tonight. The place is disgusting!

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